Friday, January 15, 2010

What I Did

This is what happens when you unpack boxes into a house you plan to live in for 15 years:

You find unflattering pictures of yourself and your younger (but taller) sister. You try to figure out how old you were in the picture, and guessing by the sweatshirt, you were about 15 (which is more than half your life ago). And then you show the picture to your husband and say, "See, I changed water at least once. I do know what real work is."

Then you post the picture on your blog and your younger sister will call you up and give you a piece of her mind which isn't a really good idea because she now has four children and there isn't much of her mind left. Then you'll remind yourself that you are an English teacher and run-on sentences on your blog aren't a very good idea.

That's what I did.


Marielle said...

Wait a second-first of all-nice jammies. Second of all, that is not me.

Pezlady Jana said...

Now THAT'S HOT!!! I laughed so hard!

Natalie said...

So what is this 4:35 am posting all about?