Sunday, January 3, 2010

For Lance's Family

A few months ago, Randy and I were at my brother's home in Boise. Somehow we ended up talking about where we would be buried. My 13-year-old niece says, "That's pretty morbid." My brother and I laughed and he said, "Maybe. But Papa and Nana already know where they are going to be buried. In fact, Papa bought the burial plots years ago."

Then Lance proceeded to tell his kids about how we'd go to the Preston cemetary on Memorial Day and Grandma and Grandpa had their plots and my parents had their plots. And every year, my dad would lay down on the grass, cross his hands on his chest and say, "This is the spot right here where I'll be buried." Frankly, it was a little embarrassing.

As I was unpacking boxes, I came across a stack of pictures. Apparently, one year I snapped a photo of my dad and his brother, my uncle Jeff, preparing for their final resting place. Just in case Lance's kids thought we were making that story up.....

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I had Steve come to read your blog - he laughed so loud I had to go to the other room.