Friday, January 1, 2010

Distracted - PG-13

Randy is working on a project in the garage today. He had a few helpers, but they abandoned him to go sledding with their people. In the absence of slave labor, I become the helper.

Randy wants me to use the drill to sink four screws through the 2 x 6 into a 4 x 4. He's holding the 4 x 4 and making sure it's all level. I'm all excited about using a power tool. Randy gives me the go-ahead and I start to sink the first screw. Then all of a sudden it goes crooked. I stop. "Uh Oh," I said. "Oh, that's okay," Randy says, "I drilled the holes at an angle."

I look up at him. "That would have been nice to know before I started," I say. "Sorry," he says. "I was too busy looking down your shirt."


Amy said...

OH! I LOVE IT! Made me laugh out loud! It's nice to still draw attention after all these years, huh? :-) Happy New Year!

Trulee said...

Yes, it is nice to know I can still distract him!

Marielle said...

Yep-sounds like he is from the same male species as my husband.