Thursday, January 28, 2010

Holy - Day 1

Yesterday I decided to more holy in the way I talk to my children. I knew that was one I needed to work on. Let me tell you, when you are trying to be more holy, you are aware of everything that comes out of your mouth. Sometimes I wasn't aware quick enough and some things just came right out (McKay!). Is it cheating if I try to be more holy in the same activity two days in a row?

Did any of you take on the challenge? My mom called and reported that she decided to be more holy while she's driving. I think I'll stick to being more holy in the way I speak to my kids.


Heather Skahill said...

I tried to do the same...think about the way I talk to my girls. I did great while they were at school...then they came home. Dang...I too will try again today. Thanks for the great challenge.

Amy said...

I don't do holy when I am sick! So when I get better, I will try it and let you know! I love the idea, though!

Natalie said...

This is harder than it sounds - but I think of it a whole lot. Even though I planned on just being holy while driving (really hard!!) I thought of being holy all day and in different activities. Good luck to all of us.