Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Proud Moment

Braxton got a phone call this afternoon. Later, he related the conversation to me:

Other boy: I just wanted to remind you that we don't got mutual tonight...
Braxton: Dude, you can't say that. It's "we don't have." Man, if my mom heard you talking like that she'd correct you.

But I didn't have to because Braxton already did! Oh, I am such a proud mom. In the world of English teaching moms, this is the icing on the cake.

Now, if I could just get him to remember to make his bed every morning.


Kim said...

So, I think you should become our first "follower" for our new blog. We have been meaning to get one since we got engaged, but just have not made the effort...until now!


<3 Kim

Annie and Family said...

That is too funny