Friday, April 2, 2010

States and Capitals

Nana is here visiting. Tanner asked her to help him review for his states and capitals test. Her job was to name the state and he would name the capital. It went like this:

Nana: Georgia
Tanner: Atlanta

Nana: Alabama
Tanner: Montgomery

Nana: Maine
Tanner: I don't know.
Nana: I don't know either.
Tanner (hollering): What's the capital of Maine?
Randy (hollering back): Augusta

Nana: Michigan
Tanner: I don't know.
Nana: Oh.
Tanner (hollering, again): What's the capital of Michigan?
Randy: Lansing.

Nana: Ohio
Tanner: I don't know.
Nana: Me neither.
Tanner: Nana! How did you ever make it past 5th grade?!


Natalie said...

I guess I had better go back to schoool with Tanner.

Arty4ever said...

For a fun way to always be able to remember all 50 states and capitals check out...