Saturday, June 12, 2010

Why You Should Inoculate Your Children

Last Sunday night, Braxton showed me a few red spots on his chest. I told him we'd just watch them. Monday morning those few spots had multiplied and he said he wasn't feeling good. That's when I took a good long look at my son and said, "Braxton, you've got chicken pox."

By Tuesday, he was sick. He wasn't eating, had a raging fever, and took two naps. Then he went to bed at 7:30. Tuesday afternoon, I took these photos of his chest and back.

Wednesday he called me the second I was out of class and he was almost in tears. That told me he was sicker than sick. It takes a lot for Braxton to admit he's sick. I put him in a  baking soda bath and drugged him up with Benadryl.  Then I called his dad to come home and give him a blessing. Wednesday I snapped these pictures of chest and back.

You can never tell Braxton I posted his chicken pox on  my blog. He continued to break out on Thursday and was literally covered. He had them everywhere: ears, eyes, throat (yes, inside). When I say everywhere, I mean everywhere.

Why did he never get the chicken pox vaccine? Because it came out when Tanner was about two, making Braxton four or five. Tanner received the vaccine, and so did Kilee and McKay.  I never did take Braxton in for it. It never crossed my mind...until now. Interestingly enough, McKay actually had the chicken pox in March. He had about a dozen spots on  his chest and he didn't get sick at all. Poor Braxton hasn't left the house for five days. He's had more baths in the last three days than he's had since he turned five. He finally ate dinner tonight.

The moral of the story: GET YOUR KIDS VACCINATED!


Annie and Family said...

Oh poor kid! Aren't we thankful for vaccines! A decade or so ago you would have had to put them all together so they could all catch it and be done with it. But I can't even immagine doctoring more than one child with chickenpoxs. No fun. Sorry!

Mary said...

They are finding that the kids who are vaccinated for this are getting/breaking out with SHINGLES at a MUCH higher rate than ever before, and at a much younger age than seen before. SHINGLES are PAINFUL, more so than chicken pox. Shingles comes from the same virus.

Just some interesting info!

Just tell Braxton he's almost through it!

Amy said...

Poor kid! Hope he is feeling better!

Kelie said...

Actually, you should be very careful about vaccinations. Most kids will be fine, but it's better for kids to actually get the chicken pox instead of the vaccination. It provides more thorough & complete protection as well as builds the immune system. Some vaccinations can cause more harm than good.

According to the CDC, the varicella immunization is only successful 76% of the time. What about the other 24% of kids?

One of the ladies I work with received the H1N1 vaccination and spent five months in EIRMC with Guillian-Barre syndrome. Makes you think twice.

Heather Skahill said...

When Taryn got the chicken pox, Rylie was just a baby, not old enough for the very new vaccine yet. Rylie got a much worse case than Taryn. The DR. said maybe because she was so exposed by Taryn being around all the time when she had them. The pictures still make me cringe to this day. I feel for any older kid that gets them. I've heard that it gets worse as you get older. So sorry. (And Jordyn got the vaccine!)

Mary said...

And "they", the powers that be, the CDC, the government, who ever, is Pretty sure that those who have gotten the ch pox vaccine will need to get booster shots for the REST OF THEIR LIVES! How fun!

Natalie said...

I am so very sorry about Braxton. I hope he has recovered a WHOLe LOT by next week! I am also very glad that my kids are grown and I didn't have to make decisions about vaccine. I had 4 sick at one time with chicken pox but we survived. Some were a little sick, some no sick, one extremely sick. Glad that is over.