Monday, June 28, 2010

The Golden Speedo

Last week was Employee Appreciation at Randy's work. I suppose it's appropriate to show employees at a juvenile correctional center a little bit of appreciation. Some of the activities included raffles, treats, and games. One of the highlights of the week was the dunk tank. Administrators and supervisors were encouraged to sign up for the dunk tank. Then employees would pay to take a shot at dunking their boss.

Randy signed up and landed the 11:20 time slot. I had class so I couldn't go, but his secretary was kind enough to take pictures for me. (Thank you, Chris!) UPDATE: Randy read my blog and pointed out to me that he didn't sign up for anything. He was volunteered when he didn't show up to a meeting. Hee hee.

Here's the first one.


Oh, the anticipation!



Five. Notice the fist. The mechanism was malfunctioning and even though the girl hit it with the ball, Randy wasn't dunking. She finally got frustrated and just ran up and hit it with her fist.



Now it should be noted that not one single teacher actually threw a ball. The teachers were paying for their students to have a shot at the principal. As one girl put it: "What high school student wouldn't want to dunk their principal?"

At the end of the day, the money was tallied and the person who "earned" the most on the dunk tank won. Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you the winner of the 2010 Golden Speedo Award:

My good sport husband.


Kelie said...

I wish someone would have told me... I would have forked over money to dunk one of my favorite uncles! :)

Fantastic Five said...

I don't see ONE golden speedo in this post!! That was just mean to tease me like that.... :)

Annie and Family said...

I thought "Yikes" when I read the title of your post. Hee hee. I'm glad there weren't any speedoes! What a good sport!