Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Observations on Living in the Mormon Corridor


Orson Scott Card is a well-known author, as well as a professor at Southern Virginia University. He also writes a weekly opinion piece for the Mormon Times. A while back I read a piece where he discussed the "Mormon Corridor." That being the stretch of land from Utah through Eastern Idaho which was settled by Mormon pioneers and remains, to this day, predominantly LDS.

I now live in that Mormon Corridor. I'm sure I'll have more to say on this subject in the future, but let's start with a few things today.

1. There isn't a Starbucks for miles around. No steamers or vanilla scones. Saves the pocketbook, but I think I'm going through withdrawals.

2. Standing in line the other day I met a girl from Albania.

I didn't know where that was and didn't want to ask her and risk looking stupid. Since you probably don't know where it is either, here's a map. She's a student at the University. She's one of hundreds of students from more than 60 countries who come here to study. It was a nice day, but I was still cold (big surprise). She told me to just wait; that this day was a beautiful, warm day. She was on her bicycle and a little while later, I saw her on her bike at yet another store. And then I wondered what she does when it snows and it's impossible to ride a bike up here. But where else do you get to go to the grocery store and meet someone from Albania (except Albania, of course) and know exactly what brought them to this cold place?

3. People think nothing of calling you "sister" in the public library and sharing with you their favorite place to sit in Sacrament Meeting.

4. There isn't a Starbucks for miles around.

5. My friend April makes a cake. It's a yummy cake. It's called Better Than Sex cake. The other day I went to the Cocoa Bean Cupcake Cafe. It's not Starbucks, but it'll have to do. They have a cupcake there called Better Than Whatever Cake. Outside of the Mormon Corridor, it's okay to call it Better Than Sex, but evidently not in the Mormon Corridor. It's just Whatever.

Did I mention that there's no Starbucks?


Pezlady Jana said...

You seriously CRACK me up! I laughed through that entire post! You think that sucks, you should live in Zion. Now that BITES!!

Heather Skahill said...

You make me laugh!

April said...

Does this make me famous?? (-:

Trulee said...

Yes, April, you are now famous!

Fantastic Five said...

Oh my - that is hilarious! Would you hate me if I told you I had a steamer on Saturday. They do make me think of you, as you introduced them to me while I was on WW.