Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Eye: Meet Baseball

I got my own Rocky Balboa. I sang the "Rocky" theme song to him, but my attempt at humor was completely lost on the 11-year-old who has no idea who Rocky Balboa is.

Tuesday night, Tanner came home from baseball practice looking like this:

Amazingly, his glasses survived the hit. If you look closely, you can see the outline of a baseball around his eye.

Wednesday morning, his eye was there...somewhere.

Oooh, pretty. We were icing it three times a day and his face hurt clear down do his jaw.

Wednesday night his eye was open, but some black and blue was starting to set in.

Thursday morning, I accused him of playing in my make-up. He didn't think it was funny at first.

Tanner was born with a happy disposition. It's a good thing, too, because he's the one who winds up with broken teeth, scraped up knees, and black eyes.  


Annie and Family said...

Oh no. Sounds like you need to sit that kid down and have a Rocky marathon. :)

Kelie said...

Now, with a literary genius for a mother, he should come up with a wild and fantastic story to go along with how he got the black eye... :)

Natalie said...

I still say he should have stayed here a little longer. I hurt just looking at him. What a guy!