There are two doors which you cannot see in this picture. To the left is the master bedroom. To the right is the piano room. The door you can see on the left is the hall closet. The door on the right is the powder room. Straight ahead is the great room. (I've spent a lot of time perusing house plans that use fancy names. )
The powder room:
The piano room looking in:
The piano room from the stairs, looking back towards the entry way:
The master bedroom:
Another view, looking towards the master bath/closet:
At the top of the stairs is an open space, otherwise known as a loft.
That is this interesting little cubby hole. Can you say bean bag and a good book? Here is another view of the loft, looking towards the bonus room:
The upstairs bath.
The shower is to the left and further back, to the left of the toilet, is a closet. That means that when the kids run out of TP while sitting on the john, it's just a reach away. Quite convenient.
Braxton and Tanner's bedroom. This is Braxton's side:
And this is Tanner's side:
Where the dormer windows are, they each have a vaulted ceiling. Built into the ceiling are rope lights and the switches will be by their beds. They are totally excited about "NIGHT LIGHTS" but I'm thinking I'll unplug those babies and save me some $$$ on the power bill.
Kilee's room has a this fun little cubby hole. It even has lights and electrical outlets. I think I need another bean bag.
Back downstairs, you have one of my favorite parts of the house:
Look at those book cases! Oh- I can't wait to fill them! Look at those cold air returns! I forgot to put the covers back on before I took the picture!
This is Randy's favorite part of the house:
See that big empty spot above the fireplace? The one that screams "BIG FLAT SCREEN TV!" It's a man's spot.
Here's my other favorite part:
Cue oohs and ahhs.
But wait! There's more!
Cue more oohs and ahhs. My very own pantry! I'm so excited I don't even know what to do with myself. Randy just has to put a big red bow on the door (which is all we can afford at this point) and Christmas is done.
From the kitchen, here is the view:
My beat-up kitchen table will look kinda sad in this lovely spot:
This is the back hallway.
No house tour is complete without a view of the laundry room.
Now, back out the front door you go.
There are my kids' backpacks. We're home.
Congrats on your new house! It looks beautiful.
YEAH! I am so happy you have a home that you love! I love hte kitchen, too! And the bookcases! I need some of those! Anyhow, have ag reat Christams in your home!
It is a beautiful house. Congrats
Adoro su casa. Oh wait, I guess we don't have to speak in spanish. It just felt right... I love your new house Trulee! It is beautiful!! Have fun with it!!
Wow! I'm SO HAPPY for you guys! It is a gorgeous house!
Your house looks amazing, I want your fireplace/bookcase wall and your kitchen, oh and the paint, and the cleanness of it all!!! Could you box that up and send it my way? Congrats!
I do have to say that I love that pantry. i wish mine was that big. Great kitchen, great looking house! Hope you have a wonderrful Christmas! Miss you lots!
Your house is gorgeous. RaeLynn was looking over my shoulder and said, "That is an amazing kitchen!"
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