Monday, June 13, 2011

Broken Light Switch

McKay comes into the kitchen tonight and asks, "Dad, can you come turn my light on for me?" Randy says, "You can reach your light switch. Just go turn it on." McKay answers, "No, I can't, Dad. It's broken."

"What?" Randy says. "What do you mean it's broken?"

McKay replies, "Tanner shot it."

Tanner suddenly looks very sheepish, and says, "I shot it with my air soft pistol." I covered my mouth to hide my smile and then I had to try to quit laughing.

"I'm sorry," I said to Randy. "I know it's not funny, but it really is." Then I asked Tanner, "Whatever made you think that it was okay to shoot your pistol in the house?"

"Well," Tanner says, "I was trying to shut off the light without getting out of bed. It worked, but I didn't think it would break it."

I'm really laughing at this while Randy is trying to punish Tanner. "Go get me $10 out of your piggy bank," Randy tells Tanner. When Tanner has left the room, I say to Randy, "You're making him pay for the light switch as punishment, so no more being mean about it."

When Tanner comes back, Randy holds the money in his hand and tells Tanner, "When I was about your age, I kicked a Nerf football (**Randy wants you all to know it was a Nerf Football) in the house. It went right through the window."

(It was the the small one closest to the door. Who knew that I would have a picture of the house?)

Kilee asked, "Did you have to pay for it?" 

"No, I didn't." Randy said. Tanner started to smile. "And neither do you." And Randy gave the money back to Tanner.

The End.


Cory Shae said...

aww thats cute :) lol so funny. who can blame the kid? he should be awarded for innovation.

Amy said...

Now that's funny! You have to admit, it was a good way to turn off the light. :)