Monday, April 11, 2011

Finals Time

I know it has been two months since I posted and I'm about 5 months behind. Hmm. I'll think about that later.

In the meantime, I'm grading 9,000 finals (okay, only 70) and I want to share some of the best one-liners that I'm finding.

*Gender roles are intertwined and tied up in such a fashion that even a boy scout cannot fathom the knot.

*Couples cannot raise a family in cyberspace.

*Many couples are praying and hoping for a chance to have children of their own genetics or they are trying not to pass on life affecting gene that could affect the health of the future generations. (If any of you can actually figure that one out, let me know.)

*This would be like if you were the one who got detention when at school the school bully beat you up and the principal said it was your fault for putting your face in the way of his fists.

*There is nothing that would be more disappointing than destroying an individual’s life work.
*Mark Zuckerberg, an average genius....

*I have a degree in liberal arts; would you like fries with that?

*So if the line to the testing center is too long they are prone to forget some of the information as they sit down for the test.

* Therefore, according to the environmentalist logic, windmills, as well as all tall buildings, glassed windows, and moving cars should be removed from the environment to prohibit further damage to our feathered friends.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Pahahahahahaha! Oh, isn't grading papers fun?!