Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tonight's FHE

The Christmas music on my blog is starting to annoy me...  So is the Christmas background. Someday (soon) I'll get around to changing that.

Between now and then, though, I want to write about our interesting Family Home Evening tonight. Yes, it's only Sunday. We can't seem to keep up with FHE on Mondays, but if we have it on Sunday night, we are pretty faithful about it. You learn to do what works.

Kilee had the lesson tonight. She did a good job. It was on kindness and she read a story from the Friend and asked questions and asked Braxton to read a scripture. McKay chose the songs and led the music. However, I was truly impressed by what happened after the lesson.

Braxton conducted tonight. After Kilee finished her lesson, Braxton opened his scriptures and said, "I want to share a scripture with you." Then he read Doctrine and Covenants 59:13-14. When he had finished, he said, "I just wanted to share that with you because today was Fast Sunday (Our stake switched it to today. Don't ask me why.). We have a tendency to grumble and complain on Fast Sunday. I know I do because I kinda like food. (I snickered at this point because I can't keep him full.) What I'm saying is we need to have a better attitude about Fast Sunday. I tried hard today to be cheerful and and pray more. I think if we pray more individually and as a family, Fast Sunday will be a joyful day."

I'm not sure if this is a Deacon's quorum thing or if it is just my son being introspective, but either way, I'm impressed. I was not this way at 13. I just grumbled and I certainly didn't go around quoting scripture to my family. I wish I could take credit for him being such a good kid, but I don't think I have much to do with it. I do know, though, that I have to look for the good he does because it's so easy to see the teenager who complains about practicing piano, who ignores his littlest brother, who disappears when work needs to be done. He's still a kid, but after tonight, I'm hopeful that he'll grow up to be a superb missionary.


Cory Shae said...

he will be the best missionary :) he doesnt even WANT to be that grumbling teenager. i really just think we can't help it at that age. yuck!

Natalie said...

No queston in my mind. He is, yes, still a young teen and the next 2-3 years will be ---'interesting', but still, no question in my mind the kind of missionary he will be.