Thursday, August 19, 2010

15 years

15 years ago today I married Randy. I liked him a lot. He was a pretty nice guy and he'd been working construction all summer so he looked good, too.

Today, 15 years later, I can tell you that I married the love of my life. I didn't know it then, though.

Randy kisses me goodbye every morning when he leaves for work, even if I'm still in bed (note to you, he leaves for work at 6:45 a.m. so it's not like I'm lazy or anything). He pumps up the tires on the bike for me so I can go riding. Randy rolls over in the middle of the night when I complain that he's snoring.

Randy fixes breakfast on Saturdays.

Randy rubs my shoulders but never asks me to rub his because he knows how badly it hurts my hands. He  sings to our kids at bedtime when he knows I've had a long day. Randy knows that when I say, "We need to go buy milk" and it's 9:00 at night, what I'm really saying is, "Let's hit Dairy Queen on the way home."

Randy helps fold the laundry.

It occurred to me in the middle of the night that in another 15 years, I will be 52 years old. McKay will be leaving on a mission. I might be a grandma. I just hope that in another 15 years, I've still got the love of my life.

Happy Anniversary to us!


Andi said...

I love it! Happy Anniversary to you and Randy!!!!! What really made me laugh was how you mentioned him working he looked pretty good when you married him! The summer I married Lorin he had been doing landscaping all summer and was so tan! I loved it!

Natalie said...

This is so wonderful. You are a very lucky woman. Of course, Randy didn't do too bad, either! Congratulations!