Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Our family was asked to speak in church last Sunday - kind of our swan song. This was Braxton's first opportunity to speak in sacrament meeting. I told him the topic and then he just went with it. He even wrote his talk while he was suffering from a burst ear drum! I thought his talk was great and I would share part of what he read in sacrament meeting:

"I was asked to talk about adversity. First off, what is adversity? Adversity is trial, affliction, test, etc., etc. Countless times the Nephites faced adversity but about half the time they wouldn't listen to prophets, and that eventually was the reason for their destruction. The same thing happened to the Jaredites. Right now, we are all facing two trails: A bad economy, and a bad president with bad morals. You get the point."

Randy and I about died. I don't even know what the rest of his talk said. I had read his talk Saturday night and it said nothing about a bad president. He just decided to add that part Sunday morning. The congregation cracked up, probably not because of what he said, but because of the shock on his parents' faces. He certainly got our attention. Three days later, I'm still hearing about Braxton's talk....

...which makes me wonder if anybody heard what I said.


Heather Skahill said...

Holy cow! I would have died, too. At least it was a good "farewell" and at least your ward will never forget you guys! Good luck with the move.

Amy said...

I LOVE IT! Thanks for the good laugh!

Sharon said...

He his the nail right on the head - even though it was over the pulpit!

Annie and Family said...

Got to love that kid! So I wanted to get a hold of you when we were up that way, and didn't know your number. Hope all is well!
