Sunday, October 19, 2008

Trying to Unwind

It's Sunday night and another week full of busy-ness (not to be confused with business) is in front of me. Yuck. I've studied all weekend. And thought about everything I have yet to do. I have a huge paper due in a week and I haven't even started the research on it. Tuesday night is pack meeting. Wednesday is stake leadership meeting. Thursday is the ward carnival. I hate being gone at night, by the way.

So, with my head trying to keep track of everything going on (doctor's appointments, parent-teacher conferences, piano lessons, class, church stuff, work schedule, running for president ), I just want to spend a minute unwinding, BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW! Hence, the poll (see below). How do you unwind? What is something new I can try to work into my schedule? Take the poll, and send me some ideas. Maybe I can think about them during Christmas break.

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