Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Playing Dress Up (Formal Nights)

Two formal nights were held on the cruise. This meant we got to dress up in fancy clothes we don't normally wear and take lots of fancy pictures...something like a prom, I suppose. Our formal night was so much fun. First, we got all dressed up and then went out on deck and took pictures.
We took several pictures with several cameras by several people and this is still the only decent picture I have of Randy and me.

Then we went inside and took more pictures on the floating stairs. First the girls.

Can anybody tell me why we don't have an equally lovely picture of the guys on the staircase? Except it wouldn't be a lovely picture; it would be a handsome picture. I digress.... Then we have the entire group on the stairs.

We're having fun. Even Jason is smiling just a little. Following the picture frenzy, it was off to dinner. Following dinner we went to the show in the Taj Mahal lounge and then we went dancing. Randy can swing and two step. (He took a class in college. Go figure.) He's patient with me. I didn't used to let him lead. Actually, it wasn't letting him lead as much as it was learning to follow. (Life parable anyone?) I think I'm learning, though, and we enjoyed dancing together. We couldn't dance very long because of his knees, but he was a good sport about it. Following dancing, we all changed our clothes and went to play cards on the Lido deck. (Shocking, I know.)

The second formal night was a little less formal. We did dress up again, but we didn't have the same picture frenzy. Except, we did step out on the deck just as the sun was setting. Picture perfect.


Fantastic Five said...

Hey - get a room!!!

We are actually going on a cruise in May of 2010 - it is our ten year anniversary and we are taking our kids so the Disney cruise was a perfect fit!

We have been on two cruises and just love them; you get the best bang for your buck! We have only gone on Carnival in the past, so we are looking forward to comparing with Disney!

One Primary/Sunday down....only a dozen more right?!

Suz said...

Great Picture! I can't wait until our 20th anniversary so we can finally go on a cruise. You will have to give us some pointers.

Pezlady Jana said...

LOVE the pictures!! I can't wait to go on a cruise!!