Friday, September 17, 2010

No Way!

Today I did the most amazing thing.

I looked at my blog again.

I kind of forgot I had a blog.

But today I am rededicating myself to updates.

Because life is marching on and I am getting way behind.

Next thing you know Braxton will be driving.

But only if he can see over the steering wheeel.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Funny Things McKay Has Said

When we were getting ready to go camping, McKay was concerned about the bears. "Mom, do we get to pet the bears?" I said, "No, McKay. The bears are not nice and we do not pet them. We stay away from them." He needed further clarification. "Are the bears mean, Mom?"
"Yes, McKay, the bears are mean."
"Except when they're nice, right?"

McKay received a shirt from Nana for his birthday. He called her on the phone. "Thank you for the shirt, Nana." She replies, "Oh, you're welcome, sweetheart. Does it fit?" And he answers, "It goes all the way to my pants."

At a baseball tournament, McKay wanted to pet a dog. He asked the man by the dog, "Excuse me, sir. May I pet your dog?" The man answered, "It's not my dog. You'll have to ask that goofball over there." McKay turns to the kid and says, "Hey, Goofball, may I pet your dog?"