I discovered this yummy dish almost eight years ago when Randy and I stayed with Kent and Janice Howard in Elko. Janice is a fabulous cook. She served this yummy dish for breakfast. Since then, it has become a family favorite. When we had fresh peaches this fall, I made this for breakfast a few times and my kids thought they were in heaven. This is a recipe from Taste of Home and you can find a printable version on their website by clicking here.
Let's get started. This recipe has to sit overnight so plan ahead.
Let me just caution you on the stirring business. Don't use a plastic spoon for this part or else your spoon will look like this:
Slice up a left-over loaf of French bread and arrange 12 slices over the peaches. Then wisk together six eggs, 1 1/2 cups milk, and 1 tablespoon vanilla. **Randy kindly reminded me that nobody ever just has left-over French bread. So- just go buy a loaf of French bread and use it to make this tomorrow. See- now it's left over (night).
Pour the egg mixture over the bread.
I like to pour slowly and make sure that all my bread is soaked with the egg mixture. It will taste better tomorrow. Cover and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, take the mixture out of the fridge and preheat the oven to 350. Let the French toast sit for 30 minutes before baking. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake for 20 minutes covered; uncover and bake another 25-30 minutes or until a knife inserted in the French toast comes out clean.
I forgot to take a pretty picture of it when it came out of the oven. So here's a pretty picture half eaten. The syrup becomes all runny and yummy and is so good on the French toast.
**Another note, I made this once using powdered eggs and powdered milk from my food storage, and my own canned peaches. It worked out great! I was teaching a Relief Society class on food storage and wanted to teach the sisters that it was possible to make yummy food from your food storage. Truth be told, I think this is the only thing I've ever made with stuff in my food storage.
**Except that's not true. I made brownies once with powdered eggs. I don't recommend it. Randy literally had to chisel them out of the pan. Hard as a rock. He says he broke a chisel.